Our “Fufu & 3 Dishes African Lunch” is served with fufu/ (rice) with a mix of three dishes from all over Africa. Come and enjoy the special lunch at the Africa Center Hong Kong! DM/call us at africacenter.hongkong@gmail.com or +852 9260 6185 for any inquiries.
Date: 27th July 2024 (Sat)
Time: 12:30-2:00 pm
Venue: Africa Center Hong Kong, 12/F, 21 Hillwood Road, TST
Africa Center 為你呈獻「非洲版三餸飯」(fufu版)。fufu係非洲人嘅精神主糧,相當於我們的米飯,佢哋都係每餐無「Fu」不歡㗎!不過佢係以玉米或芋頭等材料製造,口感好特別,再配埋3種不同嘅非洲國家菜式撈「Fu」食,包你食唔停口。
日子:27th July 2024 (Sat)
It is a fun and family-friendly space to find heartwarming African food and direct connection to the local African community. The center is for everyone, where they can freely express themselves and their ideas.
English Teacher
The Africa Center is a turning point for the African communities within Hong Kong, and for those who wish to learn and integrate with the community not just within the city, but through out the African diaspora.
I value the “African Literature Book Club” as I value Women’s Day and Black History Month because African literature deserves a spotlight.
Radio Show Host
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