In this new and exciting event series hosted by the Africa Center Hong Kong, literatures of the African continent will be explored according to the main themes that they address.
The series will spark discussion amongst its participants using books by African* authors as points of departure. In each session, two to four books discussing a similar topic will be used as prompts.
The focus of the Book Series lies in the topics that the books present to us rather than in their literary styles and/or genres.
This will allow for a diverse range of African* literatures to be explored, from magical realism to fantasy, from literary fiction to poems, from short stories to trilogies.
The Book series is there not only to encourage people to read more diversly across the African continent and beyond but also to spark critical discussion about important topics in our everyday lives; from tourism in Africa to global warming.
The Book Series will host five events in 2021 at the Africa Center Hong Kong with each event being approximately 90minutes long.
More information on specific events will be released closer to the event dates!
Mark your calendar!
- 09.06.2021 (Wed)
Legacies of Colonialism in Tourism
- 21.07.2021 (Wed)
Women’s narratives and African-feminism - 25.08.2021 (Wed)
Queer Narratives of Africa - 27.10.2021 (Wed)
Environmentalism in Africa - 15.12.2021 (Wed)
It’s a Short Story + Wine