• We are young & passionate professionals striving to rebrand blackness, connect communities and raise black consciousness.

Innocent Mutanga

Founder & CEO

Pamela Moyo

Program Manager

Tinotenda Muzariri

Business Development Manager

WONG, Wai Ting Biffy

Business Development Intern

CHAN, Tze Ching

CSR Intern

Panashe Mudhumi

Project Management Intern

MA, Yuetong

Project management Interen

SIU, Tsz Ying

Marketing & Communications Intern

Board of Advisors

Dawit Kahsay Debesai

Getrude Dadirai Gwenzi, PhD

Stanley Nnam

Emily Chow-Quesada

Chihiro Mutanga

Thandiwe Moyo

Address: Africa Center Hong Kong, 12/F, 21 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, HONG KONG
E-mail: africacenter.hongkong@gmail.com
Phone: +852 9260 6185

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