Happy Pride! (Jun 2022)
We are running the camp in both July and August 2022. We realized that some eager summer campers might be...
Read MoreAfro Multi-Activity Summer Camp 2022 (Jun 2022)
We are running the camp in both July and August 2022. We realized that some eager summer campers might be...
Read MoreWhy do we celebrate Africa Day? (May 2022)
Africa Day is a day of celebration for Africans and people of African descent all over the world and has...
Read MoreConnecting Communities (Apr 2022)
Many people, specifically Africans, have come to the Africa Center Hong Kong and introduced themselves to members of our staff....
Read MoreBack to a new normal? (Apr 2022)
We at the Africa Center Hong Kong are eagerly anticipating the dawn of April 21st that promises to bring with...
Read MoreSpring Time & Virtual Travel! (Mar 2022)
It is that time of year again when the cold of winter gives way to a new season where flowers...
Read MoreVirtual Afro Multi Activity Spring Camp (Mar 2022)
The past three years have been trying times for many children, with unexpected breaks and several changes in the educational...
Read MoreAfrica Center Goes Virtual! (Feb 2022)
The 5th wave that Hong Kong is experiencing has brought about the need to limit face to face interaction and...
Read MoreBlack History Month & Expressions of Love (Feb 2022)
We have entered February an exciting month as far as months for at least two reasons. First and foremost it...
Read MoreStarting off the year on the right foot! (Jan 2022)
Despite new corona regulations and lockdowns we are determined to start our year right and we are happy to begin...
Read MoreHappy Holidays? (Dec 2021)
As we are entering what has been dubbed the ‘festive season’ we at the Africa Center have been reflecting on...
Read MoreFrom The Bandung Conference To Today (Nov 2021)
Bandung Asia Africa Conference - April 1955 As an Africa Center based in Asia, we are always thinking and researching...
Read MoreAfro-Future (Nov 2021)
Afro Future Our upcoming African Spear Magazine is on ‘the Afro-future’. This has - as you can image - lead...
Read MoreOur Hairstory (Oct 2021)
At the Africa Center Hong Kong, one of our main missions is to Black Consciousness. We understand that this is...
Read MoreAfro Asian Fusion (Sep 2021)
As you all know, the Africa Center is located in the heart of Hong Kong's Tsim Sha Tsui region. By...
Read MoreHow big is Africa really? (Sep 2021)
We believe many of you know that the size of Africa that we see on several maps is distorted to...
Read MoreThe African Spear (Aug 2021)
In June, we started working on a new project: The African Spear Magazine. In all the excitement and turmoil that...
Read MoreLessons from the Summer Camp (Jul 2021)
Last week we had the honour and joy to host over 30 children over the course of the week for...
Read MoreEducation Is Key? (Jul 2021)
The phrase 'education is key' is constantly evoked, especially when talking about 'solving the problems' of Africa. This education is...
Read MoreJuneteenth (Jun 2021)
This past weekend, on the 19th of June Black people across the globe celebrated Juneteenth. So what really is Juneteenth...
Read MoreAfrican Pride (Jun 2021)
It is June again and that means here in Hong Kong it is Pride month. Whenever this month rolls around...
Read MoreThe Spirit of Pan-Africanism (May 2021)
Happy Africa Day! Pan – Africanism is an ideology and movement that encouraged the solidarity of Africans worldwide. It is...
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