
Starting off the year on the right foot!

Guests at the Africa Center playing Nzango – game originating from Congo.

Despite new corona regulations and lockdowns we are determined to start our year right and we are happy to begin this year with you, our lovely readers. In the year to come we are planning on hosting many new and exciting events. Make sure you stay on top of all the upcoming events here. From book fairs to exhibitions, from new workshops to increased frequency of existing programs – we have a packed year planned ahead of us!

Upcoming Events

With the coming of a new year and the making of several plans for our future, we have been forced to think about our past too. This is the past not only of the Africa Center – a relatively short past – but also the past legacies that we aim to build upon here at the Africa Center. One of these would be the history of black people in Hong Kong and Asia as a whole. The recording of this history may on the one hand seem like a daunting task because there seems to be limited historical record of our existence here. On the other hand though, many black peoples histories in the city and the continent are quiet young which allows for quite an accurate recording of these personal histories here. There are groups such as The Homegrown Podcast and Spill Stories who are making an active effort to record the existence of black people in Hong Kong which we would like to celebrate.

In an insightful podcast episode by Dr. Edna Bonhomme with guest Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro the powerful point was made that Our Histories Are Not Missing. However, sometimes we need to make an active effort to uncover or rediscover them.


You might be wondering why all of this matters to us and more importantly why it should matter to you. Well, Black History Month is just around the corner and we are more than excited to be celebrating black people in this month and also to situate the histories of black people here in Hong Kong.

We wish you all a great and refreshing start to your year. Let this be your best one yet!

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