Math & Statistics Service Learning Program

Date: TBD

Duration: 6 hours (TBD)

Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm (TBD)

Participant: Secondary School Students with basic statistical skills

Program Description:

An opportunity for students to sharpen their analytical and critical thinking skills through investigating and addressing real-life social issues impacting the African communities in Hong Kong.  Students come to see that mathematics and statistics has an application beyond the text examples and they come to see the relevance and importance of statistical analysis outside the classroom.  This holistic program enhances students’ self-esteem and sense of disciplinary competency by allowing them to “make a difference” through active and meaningful contributions to the society.

Math and Statistics Service Learning Program

1. Data collection

  • Primary data (e.g. Chungking Mansions Tour – interviews + participant observation)
  • Secondary data (e.g. existing surveys)
  • Cultural experience to help understand African culture better and thus enhancing students appreciation of the impact of the social issues on the African populations in Hong Kong

2. Data Analysis & Visualization

  • Apply mathematical and statistical methods to quantify and analyze the data
  • Visualize the data through the use of heat maps to identify the most critical social issues faced by African community in Hong Kong

3. Social Innovation

  • Apply design thinking method to innovate sustainable solutions to address the most critical problems faced by African community in Hong Kong