
Expressions of Love

We have entered February an exciting month as far as months for at least two reasons.

First and foremost it is Black History Month! This is a month in which people across the globe make an active effort to include black people into the whitewashed histories they are being taught throughout the rest of the year. Although there have always been many people advocating for a more holistic inclusion of black people in history, Black History Month as we know it originated from the efforts of Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in 1969. They announced that the second week of February was to be a week dedicated to researching, learning about and presenting black history. Interestingly, the reason why this week specifically was chosen was never recorded which we believe is symbolic of the missing histories of black people.

Today Black History Month is not only about our histories as black people but also about a more general celebration of black peoples cultures and achievements across the globe.
We sincerely hope that you too are making an active effort to participate in BHM activities this February!

Secondly, it is the month of love as many people celebrate Valentine’s day this month. Despite it not being a day that has any cultural significance for many Africans, Valentine’s Day has gained popularity across the globe due to capitalist influences as a day when roses and chocolates are bought by romantic lovers.

This has had us thinking about love in our own communities and how different cultures tend to express love. Author Ama Ata Aidoo started a projected that resulted in a anthology of short stories titled African Love Stories first published in 2006. What is most interesting about these short stories is that they do not always read like your typical love stories as they explore the broader concept of love which Ama Ata Aidoo says is the basis of all actions.
With this as a motivation, we hope that in this month of love you are thinking beyond love as only romantic love decorated with chocolates and roses.

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Expressions of Love

We have entered February an exciting month as far as months for at least two reasons.

First and foremost it is Black History Month! This is a month in which people across the globe make an active effort to include black people into the whitewashed histories they are being taught throughout the rest of the year. Although there have always been many people advocating for a more holistic inclusion of black people in history, Black History Month as we know it originated from the efforts of Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in 1969. They announced that the second week of February was to be a week dedicated to researching, learning about and presenting black history. Interestingly, the reason why this week specifically was chosen was never recorded which we believe is symbolic of the missing histories of black people.

Today Black History Month is not only about our histories as black people but also about a more general celebration of black peoples cultures and achievements across the globe.
We sincerely hope that you too are making an active effort to participate in BHM activities this February!

Secondly, it is the month of love as many people celebrate Valentine’s day this month. Despite it not being a day that has any cultural significance for many Africans, Valentine’s Day has gained popularity across the globe due to capitalist influences as a day when roses and chocolates are bought by romantic lovers.

This has had us thinking about love in our own communities and how different cultures tend to express love. Author Ama Ata Aidoo started a projected that resulted in a anthology of short stories titled African Love Stories first published in 2006. What is most interesting about these short stories is that they do not always read like your typical love stories as they explore the broader concept of love which Ama Ata Aidoo says is the basis of all actions.
With this as a motivation, we hope that in this month of love you are thinking beyond love as only romantic love decorated with chocolates and roses.

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